Nirmal Nagar, Pratapgarh Road, Near Gausala, Mandsaur (M.P.) - 458002
Our School is a private unaided school. It is a day school, for both boys and girls.
Medium of Instruction: English is the Medium of Instruction in this school. Hindi is taught as the second language and from class 6-8 Sanskrit will be taught as the third language. Computer will be another main subject taught in the school, from class one.
ICSE Syllabus: Our School is the first and only ICSE School in the district of Mandsaur and is the 17th in Madhya Pradesh out of which are run by the MST Fathers and the Diocese of Ujjain. It will follow ICSE pattern / syllabus and will be affiliated to the CISCE - Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, Delhi.
At present more than 2500 schools are affiliated to this council and in M.P there are already 46 affiliated schools. At present the following countries follow this syllabus and this year many more countries are adopting this syllabus.